One important aspect
of bettering your health, especially when you begin as toxic as I was,
is to detox. I have been gently doing that for years now with green
smoothies, lots of clean non-chlorinated water and regular exercise.
Green smoothies are made in the blender and I have them daily an hour before dinner. The chlorophyll helps your cells detox and the fiber will help clean your colon. I add lemon to the smoothie as a natural preservative (keeps for almost a week in the fridge) as well as to help ward off cancer. I also add Vitamin C powder and Spirulina for added health benefits. It's an easy way to add veggies to your day as well. The key ingredients I use are kale, celery, parsley, cilantro, carrots, ginger, garlic, lemon juice, and water (supplements above).
Most people are highly dehydrated and slow down their bodies ability to function properly all together. Each person is supposed to drink a minimum of half their body weight in ounces of water each day. Drinking plenty of water also allows you to detox naturally through your bowels. Try drinking 30 ounces of water or more upon rising and for the first couple of hours of the day to get things moving along.
Working up a good sweat lets you detox through your skin. Make sure you wash this sweat off your body as soon as you can to keep pores from getting clogged and causing blemishes. Just imagine what is coming out of your skin if you are constantly taking in harmful toxins. Yuck.
Green smoothies are made in the blender and I have them daily an hour before dinner. The chlorophyll helps your cells detox and the fiber will help clean your colon. I add lemon to the smoothie as a natural preservative (keeps for almost a week in the fridge) as well as to help ward off cancer. I also add Vitamin C powder and Spirulina for added health benefits. It's an easy way to add veggies to your day as well. The key ingredients I use are kale, celery, parsley, cilantro, carrots, ginger, garlic, lemon juice, and water (supplements above).
Most people are highly dehydrated and slow down their bodies ability to function properly all together. Each person is supposed to drink a minimum of half their body weight in ounces of water each day. Drinking plenty of water also allows you to detox naturally through your bowels. Try drinking 30 ounces of water or more upon rising and for the first couple of hours of the day to get things moving along.
Working up a good sweat lets you detox through your skin. Make sure you wash this sweat off your body as soon as you can to keep pores from getting clogged and causing blemishes. Just imagine what is coming out of your skin if you are constantly taking in harmful toxins. Yuck.
Lately, I
have been introduced to hydrotherapy (colonic). While taking herbs for
healing and detoxifying the body it was recommended that hydrotherapy
would be beneficial as well. I had no idea that even though I had been
regular for quite some time now on my healthier lifestyle that I still
may have lots of build up in my colon. Well after two treatments the
evidence spoke for itself. My stomach was noticeably smaller. Wow.