Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Using Food As Medicine

Quite some time ago now I learned the saying, "Let thy food be thy medicine." Before I started on my journey I would have had no idea what they were talking about. Educating myself about nutrition and how to eat properly I now know first hand that this is truth. There are foods that nourish the body so that it can naturally heal and repair itself and then there are foods that are toxic and harmful to our bodies. My experience has shown me that if I stay away from the "bad" for me foods and eat as many "beneficial" foods as I can each day my body performs at an optimal level. For example, I am rarely sick if at all while others around me are constantly complaining of colds and ailments. Cuts and bruises heal quickly. There is no evidence of dis-ease in my body. Sure I have aches and pains, I'm 44, however I feel more youthful today than I did in my 30's when I was extremely full of toxins. I'm not on any medications. None. I have been eating according to the Blood Type Diet by Dr. D'Adamo for a few years now which really simplifies my menu selections. No guess work involved in what is good or bad for me to eat. People from other countries have been eating according to their types for years instinctively. Here in the good ole US however we have a taste for the variety as a melting pot society. Eating what is good for another ethnicity may not be good for our ethnicity. I'm also interested in looking more into an alkaline diet and what that would look like for me. I've included the links to both for your own research and what might work for you. Eat well, live well.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Mindful Eating

It's been awhile since my last post. Been busy working on my mental/emotional health these days. Which by the way can be the most important. If your head and heart are not in the right place then your attempts to have physical health may not be optimal either. Emotional eating can be a real problem for a lot of people. What frame of mind you're in while ingesting the food can also make a difference. If you're stressed out, even if you're eating prime Organic foods, your body will not be nourished the same as if you were at peace. How do you eat? Do you give thanks for the food you receive? Do you shove the food down your throat? Do you chew thoroughly? Do you eat a small portion or stuff yourself? Have you ever tried being mindful while you eat? Giving thanks, taking your time, savoring the flavors, chewing thoroughly and focusing on taking in the nutrition your body needs from the meal. Try it and see the difference.

Often times food can be used like a drug. In fact all processed foods are a drug containing MSG in one form or another. MSG or "flavoring" as they often call it is used to keep you coming back for more. Like in the movie "Super Size Me" shows, they give you a temporary high and then as they wear off you feel depressed until you get your next fix. Just like any other street drug. I kid you not. It's evil. Not for anyone's best interest except the corporations that profit off your misery. It's worse when you're in a vulnerable emotional state and eating to fill whatever void is in your life. Or your seeking pleasure from your food in some way. Before you know it, you've stopped eating "real food" and are consuming nothing but junk. Then you feel even worse because you've gained some weight or you feel sick all the time from lack of nutrition. Trust me, I've been there. It is hard to overcome a unhealthy relationship to food, however, it is possible if it is what you really want. I know first hand. Does any of this sound familiar? Maybe it's time to start on your journey towards better health.

As I write today, possibly pregnant, I am mindfully eating with every meal. I am now able to listen to what my body is telling me it needs for optimal nutrition every day. All of the good food will give this life inside a good start in the world. Am I perfect? No, I still have a rare craving for the fast food options out there. They are not as powerful as they once were and more often than not I can make a healthy alternative instead. It's been a process for me. It will be for you too I imagine. Are you ready to regain your health and vitality?