Sunday, February 2, 2014

2014 Anti-biotic experience

The end of January I went in for a procedure recommended by my gynecologist. A test where they basically shoot dye into your reproductive tract to check the status of your fallopian tubes (the small information I got during the test didn't sound good but I will have to wait to talk with my doctor.) Anyways, I was required to begin taking anti-biotics the day of the procedure and continue on them for 10 days. Since starting a healthy diet back in 2008 I have rarely had food with anti-biotics in it much less needing prescriptions for them. To help my digestive track out I began taking pro-biotics as well. Well let me tell you, my body did not like this at all. Major stomach aches. FYI, I would never recommend taking one of each at the same time. I began to space them out more evenly through the day. I still had stomach problems and not enough energy to exercise. I began to feel better three days after starting them. Finally able to exercise after four. My regular appetite has not returned yet though and I have skipped one meal each day still. Hmm. On a side note however, my brother had either a stomach bug or food poisoning on the Monday before Wednesdays procedure. Could the tummy problems be from a bug we might have got from him or the clinic? Don't know. Anyone else have similar experiences with anti-biotics?

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