Saturday, July 6, 2013

You are Worth the Effort

I know first hand how hard it is to lose weight. Not only lose it but maintain it too. There are going to be times where you get frustrated and want to quit. I know I've felt that way more than once, even after doing this for almost 5 years now. It's not easy when society is pummeled by commercials everyday selling unhealthy products, that look so dang good. Not to mention the grocery stores that are filled with 80% junk food. If your like me, most of your friends and family don't eat healthy and your constantly placed in situations where you are tempted to join them. Stay strong! Look in the mirror and tell yourself, "You are worth it". I like to reflect on what life was like back when I ate unhealthy, was overweight and was pretty much toxic and how far I've come from that time. That alone usually kicks my butt back in gear. Don't give up! YOU ARE WORTH IT!

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