Monday, September 16, 2013

Being a Highly Sensitive Person

This may or may not pertain to a healthy lifestyle for some. However for me it helps put all the pieces in place from where I was to where I am now. I found myself looking for anything to help numb myself. My need for perfection drove me to become a workaholic. All of which led to my chemical imbalance. For most of my life I have known that I was really sensitive. Sensitive to light, sound, fragrance, chemicals, emotions, pain, digestion, etc. The list goes on and on. Until recently, however, I had no idea that HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) is actually an inherent characteristic trait and about 20% of the population have it. Wow. Had no idea. I have now bought a copy of the book the Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron. So far it's like reading a book written about me. Quite enlightening!

I have also recently joined a couple of groups on Facebook and Google+ just for people like me. For once I don't feel so different. What a wonderful feeling. There are some books out there that have been recommended that I really need to get my hands on as well. I feel it will help me to continue on my current path. Since finding this community I have also determined that some of my other family members more than likely have this trait as well. What a blessing it would be to help them with my research as well. I wonder how many people out there that struggle with their weight, fight addiction problems and personality problems are HSP's? They may not even know that is what they are dealing with. Hmmmm. Makes sense.

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