Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Doctor or Drug Dealer?

For the last 5 years living a healthy lifestyle I begin to wonder why doctor's don't ask, "How is your diet? Do you drink enough water everyday? How much sugar/caffeine do you consume each day?" Some really basic questions that would prove to be very helpful in determining what health the person is in, don't you think? I'm not a doctor, or licensed health practitioner and yet when someone comes to me with health concerns or issues, those are the questions I ask.

In the movie Food Matters, I believe, there are 4 statements that hold a lot of truth. They are; you are what you eat. food can change your mood. you are everything you have ever done to your self. and the choices you make directly affect the outcome of your life. Very powerful information that should be taught in schools. I remember having health education in school at a young age, too young in fact, it should be taught closer to graduation when it is more likely you will be feeding yourself at that point. However some adjustments need to be made to their basic information. Like the food triangle for example, it's backwards. We should be eating mainly fruits and vegetables. I wish I knew then what I know now. More importantly, I wish my parents knew then what I know now. We are setting ourselves up for failure out there people.

Even if the doctors did ask those questions, would the society as a whole listen to them tell us to change our diets instead of giving us the easy way out with a pill? I say easy lightly, because usually the one pill leads to another, which leads to another. Adding more fat onto our bodies and in turn causing even more problems. Ugh. It is so frustrating. I wonder how many would go the healthy route and stop saying yes to easy, over processed junk food? Not many I'm afraid. The power of suggestion is far too great. Just felt the need to get this out there and maybe start people wondering for themselves what has happened to make us the most unhealthy and fat country on the planet.

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