Sunday, May 26, 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar, otherwise known as ACV is my next topic of discussion. Our preferred brand is Braggs for continent and flavor. ACV has many health benefits. We have been taking it daily now for quite some time. Just a cap full in 8 oz of water every morning helps with bowel movement, weight loss as well as aids in digestion and that's just a few benefits. The taste is tough when you are still addicted to sugar. I recommend adding a bit of honey to those just starting the regimen. I myself had to start with a very small amount and work my way up to a cap full. It's also good as a pick me up throughout the day as well as a natural gas reliever. We've recently come across a book that tells the health benefits of vinegar that was published in 1994, titled The Vinegar Book by Emily Thacker. An interesting read. Here's to your health!

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