Sunday, May 19, 2013

Diet Guidelines: Beginning a Healthy Lifestyle

My fiancee Robert was the one that truly guided us onto this path of healthy living. I am so grateful to him and appreciate his support in this endeavor. Through internet research he was able to find a diet that we would begin that November 2008. It was called the "Candida Diet". You may be suffering from Candida overgrowth and not even know it. Do you have chronic yeast infections? Crave sweets all the time? If so you may suffer from this common affliction. This diet is not only for Candida sufferers however it is a great starting point for clean eating. Here are the guidelines we would follow for many years and still do to some degree;

BREADS: Brown rice, Kamut, Millet, Rye, Spelt and yeast free sourdough

CEREALS: Oat, rice bran, Rice, Millet and Quinoa

DAIRY: Soy milk, Nut milk, yogurt (if tolerated) and eggs

FLAVORINGS: without alcohol, sugar or salt

FLOURS: Amaranth, buckwheat, garbanzo, millet, potato, rice, soy (all wheatless and without gluten)

FRUITS: Grapefruit, granny smith apples (peeled), all berries in the beginning and then the others can be added once sugar cravings and weigh loss is steady

MEATS: Natural red meats, poultry, pork and fish; organic if possible

NOODLES: Bifun, soba, rice and buckwheat

NUTS: all in moderation including nut butters

OILS: 100% pure cold-pressed olive oil, safflower, sunflower, sesame, coconut and flax oils, clarified butter

POTATOES: all in moderation

RICE AND OTHER GRAINS: Brown rice, buckwheat, millet, quinoa and wild rice

SEEDS: Chia, hemp, sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, etc

SUGARS AND SWEETENERS: stevia or honey in moderation

TEAS: herb and decaffeinated in moderation

TOMATOES: fresh, packaged, pastes and sauces without citric acid or sweeteners

VEGETABLES: all; organic and fresh when possible

VINEGAR: Apple Cider Vinegar

The main thing is to avoid white flour, white sugar, corn syrup,  and MSG as well as hormones and antibiotics

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